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SubjectRe: Lockless file reading
On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 09:13, Jamie Lokier wrote:
> Timo Sirainen wrote:
> > I'm sure someone has figured out a way to make a checksum of data that
> > can detect if there's even a single bit wrong, if the checksum is
> > allowed to take as much space as the data itself. I should read more
> > about algorithms..
> You said that MD5 wasn't strong enough, and you would like a guarantee.

Yes. I don't really like it if my program heavily relies on something
that can go wrong in some situations.

> You won't find a guarantee unless you are prepared to use memory
> barriers in your code. _Any_ checksum is going to have a chance of
> false validation if you are doing out-of-order reads which can observe
> parts of the old and new data, and parts of the old and new checksum.

Not really. With {b1, b2, b1 xor b2} it doesn't matter what you read or
write first, no matter what the old data was. If they match, the result
is always either old or new.

If I want to get a checksum of 4 bytes then, I have to divide them into
two parts. Using the b1^b2 I can know if either one of them is valid,
but I can't know if they belong together.

Assuming that it's always either the previous one or the new one, I
think (once again :) that it's possible to check that by getting mixed
checksums: data = ABCD, c1 = A^B, c2 = C^D, c3 = A^C, c4 = B^D.

Except that the old data that read() sees could be even older than the
previous value. Maybe here works the growing xor-byte. I haven't thought
that far yet.

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