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SubjectRe: [ANNOUNCE] netplug, a daemon that handles network cables getting plugged in and out
Aaron Lehmann wrote:

>On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 02:21:52PM -0700, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
>>Netplug is a daemon that responds to network cables being plugged in or
>>out by bringing a network interface up or down. This is extremely
>>useful for DHCP-managed systems that move around a lot, such as laptops
>>and systems in cluster environments.
>>For more details and download instructions, see the netplug homepage:
>Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was just thinking today how
>annoying it is that whenever I boot up my laptop, dhclient runs and tries
>to get an IP address on the ethernet interface until it's ^C'd. Since
>I often use the Ethernet interface this is not a bad default, but dhclient
>can't even realize on its own that there's no cable plugged in.
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Hmm, that seems to raise the question - why doesn't dhclient just handle
that? On a DHCP interface, it's running anyway. if it paid attention
to link status, it would know when to re-request an IP. If you are
statically assigned, you don't really care anyway.

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