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SubjectRe: porting driver to 2.6, still unknown relocs... :(
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 17:34:29 +0200 LGW <> wrote:

| Randy.Dunlap wrote:
| >On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 15:38:26 +0200 LGW <> wrote:
| >
| >| Now I wonder, what would be an relocation type 0? The printk should also
| >| print the type in clear text I think, but it just prints 0. 0 also does
| >| not look very much like a valid value at all, or does it?

In 2.6.0, include/asm-i386/elf.h lists the ELF relocation types.
Type 0 is "R_386_NONE". Apparently something is being generated
with "no relocation needed" if I interpret this correctly (?).

| >Maybe g++ generates something different?
| >Are parts of your driver in c++?
| >
| I think the g++ is the problem, but I'm not sure what it is.
| The driver is mostly a wrapper around a generic driver released by the
| manufacturer, and that's written in C++. But it worked like this for the
| 2.4.x kernel series, so I think it has something todo with the new
| module loader code. Possibly ld misses something when linking the object
| specific stuff like constructors?

Maybe. It probably wasn't meant to support C++.

Is the generic driver source code available?

| I don't think there are any other errors in the module (like
| incompatible MODULE_stuff or missing statements), as it has been copied
| from a patched alsa-0.9.6, and I diff'd the other drivers, not finding
| much differences (if any).
| Any ld parameters I could try? I already tried -Ur, but that lead to
| nothing :(

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