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SubjectRe: [PATCH]O18.1int
On Saturday 23 August 2003 07:55, Con Kolivas wrote:
> Some high credit tasks were being missed due to their prolonged cpu burn at
> startup flagging them as low credit tasks.
> Low credit tasks can now recover to become high credit.
> Con

Hi Con!

First of all... Your interactive scheduler work is GREAT! I really like it...!

Now I tried to unterstand what exacly the latest patch does, and as far as I
can see the first and the third hunk just delete respectively expand the
macro VARYING_CREDIT(p). But the second hunk helps processes to get some
interactive_credit until they become a HIGH_CREDIT task. This looks
reasonable to me...

So, now I wanted to know how a task may lose its interactive_credit again...
The only code I saw doing this is exaclty the third hunk of your patch. But
if a process is a HIGH_CREDIT task it can never lose its interactive_credit
again. Is that intented?

I think the third hunk should look like following:
@@ -1548,7 +1545,7 @@ switch_tasks:
prev->sleep_avg -= run_time;
if ((long)prev->sleep_avg <= 0){
prev->sleep_avg = 0;
- prev->interactive_credit -= VARYING_CREDIT(prev);
+ prev->interactive_credit -= !(LOW_CREDIT(prev));
prev->timestamp = now;

As an additional idea I think interactive_credit should be allowed to be a bit
bigger than MAX_SLEEP_AVG and a bit lower than -MAX_SLEEP_AVG. This would
make LOW_CREDIT processes stay LOW_CREDIT even if they do some sleep and
HIGH_CREDIT processes star HIGH_CREDIT even if they do some computing...

But of course I may completely miss something...

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