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SubjectRe: [PATCH] fix the -test3 input config damages

> > There's really no point in forcing in support for all kinds of
> > optional input devices unless CONFIG_EMBEDDED.
> I disagree. We've had too many totally unnecessary bug-reports from
> people, and it's just not worth it not having the keyboard and mouse
> controller driver.
> However, we can certainly improve on it, and the "select INPUT if VT" part
> makes fine sense.

One thing I like to ask is that you removed the if EMBEDDED | !X86 from
VGA_CONSOLE. To my knowledge no one had problems with enabling vga console
before the EMBEDDED changes. The reason I ask is because as it stands the
configuration is forcing everyone on intel to enable the vga console. Even
when you want to just run framebuffer console. Most newbie users will not
know that they have to go back and enable "Embedded" support on a desktop
machine just to disable vgacon.
This is important because on the intel platform people are moving to
framebuffer console. Also it would not shock me to see in one or two
generations graphics card not supporting VGA cores anymore. For example I
have several newer graphics cards for intel with DVI ports instead of VGA.
Once the market is flooded with DVI monitors and graphics cards there is no
need for VGA core support anymore.

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