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SubjectRe: TOE brain dump
On Sad, 2003-08-02 at 18:04, Werner Almesberger wrote:
> - last but not least, keeping TOE firmware up to date with the
> TCP/IP stack in the mainstream kernel will require - for each
> such TOE device - a significant and continuous effort over a
> long period of time

or even the protocol and protocol refinements..

> - instead of putting a different stack on the TOE, a
> general-purpose processor (probably with some enhancements,
> and certainly with optimized data paths) is added to the NIC

Like say an opteron in the 2nd socket on the motherboard

> Benefits:
> - putting the CPU next to the NIC keeps data paths short, and
> allows for all kinds of optimizations (e.g. a pipelined
> memory architecture)

It moves the cost it doesnt make it vanish

If I read you right you are arguing for a second processor running
Linux.with its own independant memory bus. AMD make those already its
called AMD64. I don't know anyone thinking at that level about
partitioning one as an I/O processor.

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