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SubjectRe: [2.4 PATCH] bugfix: ARP respond on all devices
On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 13:39:57 +0200
Stephan von Krawczynski <> wrote:

> Can you please give us a striking example of a widespread application where
> current behaviour is a requirement or at least a very positive thing?

[ I've been waiting what seems like centuries for someone
to even consider talking about source address selection,
alas I have to bring it up myself :( ]

I'll responsd by asking questions of you.

Do you know how source address selection works when the user tries to
connect to a remote location yet doesn't specify a specific source
address to use?

Once you understand source address selection, the next thing
you need to do is:

1) consider how you might want to make that configurable
by the user
2) what the default behavior should be
3) what kind of ARP behavior is necessary in order for
these various configurations to work
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