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SubjectRe: Fix up riscom8 driver to use work queues instead of task queueing.
On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 11:47:14AM -0700, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> I'd be interested to hear whether the dang things work. Of course, there
> probably aren't that many people around with the hardware any more. I
> could just have added them to the BROKEN list, but since they _might_ work
> it seemed like a better idea to be hugely optimistic instead ;)

True. However, there is the opposite point of view which is equally
valid. There aren't many people with the hardware, and the people
that there are aren't interested in development kernel series, so
even if we did convert them during 2.7, we wouldn't hear about it
until 2.8.

IMO its far better to do these types of conversions when users are
interested in the driver (and can therefore give you bug reports)
than when they are actively ignoring the development series.

Both positions are equally valid. I'm not going to argue that one
is more valid than the other because I have enough on my plate for
the time being. 8)

Russell King ( The developer of ARM Linux

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