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SubjectRe: Centrino support
I thought that this line of argument was due to FCC regulations. That 
is, software settings would allow the hardware to violate frequency or
strength-of-signal limitations set by government regulations. This is
only from memory, so feel free to correct.


Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

>On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 11:13, Jan Rychter wrote:
>>Well, that was almost 5 months ago. So I figured I'd ask if there's any
>>progress -- so far the built-in wireless in my notebook still doesn't
>>work with Linux and the machine is monstrously power-hungry because
>>Linux doesn't scale the CPU frequency.
>Intel shows no inclination to release Centrino wireless drivers for
>Linux. There have been vague insinuations that this is due to excessive
>software controllability, but no public explanations have been given,
>beyond "we're not doing it at this moment".
>If you want built-in wireless in the nearish term, you'll have to get a
>supported MiniPCI card and replace your Centrino card.
>As far as CPU is concerned, if you're using recent 2.5 or 2.6 kernels,
>there's Pentium M support in cpufreq. Jeremy Fitzhardinge has written a
>userspace daemon that varies the Pentium M CPU frequency in response to

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