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SubjectRe: [PATCH] O12.2int for interactivity

Con Kolivas wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 06:00, Timothy Miller wrote:
>>If my guess from my previous email was correct (that is pri 5 gets
>>shorter timeslide than pri 6), then that means that tasks of higher
>>static priority have are penalized more than lower pri tasks for expiring.
>>Say a task has to run for 15ms. If it's at a priority that gives it a
>>10ms timeslice, then it'll expire and get demoted. If it's at a
>>priority that gives it a 20ms timeslice, then it'll not expire and
>>therefore get promoted.
>>Is that fair?
> Yes, it's a simple cutoff at the end of the timeslice. If you use up the
> timeslice allocated to you, then you have to pass a test to see if you can go
> onto the active array or get expired. Since higher static priority (lower
> nice) tasks get longer timeslices, they are less likely to expire unless they
> are purely cpu bound and never sleep.

Ok, I'm just a little confused, because of this inversion of "high
priority" with "low numbers".

First, am I correct in understanding that a lower number means a higher

And for a higher priority, in addition to begin run before all tasks of
lower priority, they also get a longer timeslice?

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