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SubjectRe: Input issues - key down with no key up
On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 03:16:18PM +1000, Neil Brown wrote:

> I have a notebook (Dell Latitude D800) which has some keys (actual
> fn+something combinations) that generate Down events but no Up events
> (clever, isn't it).
> This makes those keys unusable with 2.6.0 as it is because the input
> layer insists on there being up events. Once it sees a down, it will
> ignore any future down events until it sees an up event. It will
> also auto-repeat the key until some other key is pressed. On the
> whole, not very useful for these keys.
> After some thought, the simplest way I could think of to fix it was
> to have a bitmap of keys that don't generate up events themselves.

I think we should go for a much simpler fix: only enable the timer-induced
repeat when the user asks for that (say, by boot parameter).
The keyboard already knows which keys repeat and which don't.

If we forget about the kernel-invented repetition, we solve, I suppose,
the problems of those people who see impossibly fast repeat, and
also your problem.

Your solution, which involves an ioctl, would force changes to user space.
Too inconvenient.


[By the way, I am a collector of data on strange keyboards - could you
on a 2.4 system use showkey -s and tell me about the combinations
without Up events? -]

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