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SubjectRe: C99 Initialisers
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Jeff Garzik wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 03:44:44PM -0400, Jeff Garzik wrote:
> >>enums are easy putting direct references would be annoying, but I also
> >>argue it's potentially broken and wrong to store and export that
> >>information publicly anyway. The use of enums instead of pointers is
> >>practically required because there is a many-to-one relationship of ids
> >>to board information structs.
> >
> > The hard part is that it's actually many-to-many. The same card can have
> > multiple drivers. one driver can support many cards.
> pci_device_tables are (and must be) at per-driver granularity. Sure the
> same card can have multiple drivers, but that doesn't really matter in
> this context, simply because I/we cannot break that per-driver
> granularity. Any solution must maintain per-driver granularity.

Aren't there any `hidden multi-function in single-function' PCI devices out
there? E.g. cards with a serial and a parallel port?

At least for the Zorro bus, these exist. E.g. the Ariadne card contains both
Ethernet and 2 parallel ports, so the Ariadne Ethernet driver and the (still to
be written) Ariadne parallel port driver are both drivers for the same Zorro



P.S. Yes, according to the IBM slides at LKS, m68k is dead ;-)
Geert Uytterhoeven -- There's lots of Linux beyond ia32 --

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