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SubjectRe: Ingo Molnar and Con Kolivas 2.6 scheduler patches
Rob Landley wrote:
> On Saturday 09 August 2003 16:52, George Anzinger wrote:
>>Ed Sweetman wrote:
>>>the problem is you want a process that works like it was run on a single
>>>tasking OS on an operating system that is built from the ground up to be
>>> a multi-user multi-tasking OS
> Considering the multi-tasking OS has 1000 times the CPU power, memory, and
> disk space as the single-tasking OS did when it debuted, yet still loses to
> it in some areas, isn't it at least worth looking at?
>>>and you want both to work perfectly at peak performance
> We're pondering various heuristics with which to to improve the situation and
> you say we're persuing perfection. From heuristics.
> Do you say these sort of things to the virtual memory people? (Since you
> can't do it perfectly, why bother to swap at all? The perfect being the
> enemy of the good, and all that.)
>>>and you want it to know when you want which to work at
>>>peak performance automatically.
> I know for a fact that automatic determination of interactivity is possible.
> In OS/2 you could speed up a compile by moving the mouse pointer over its
> window repeatedly to give it extra clock ticks. (So far we've managed to
> avoid anything quite so disgusting in Linux, but there exist OSes where it
> was done. Having the keyboard and mouse and display be local devices is
> actually the common case. It took X about ten years to finally start
> optimizing for the common case on the output side with MIT shared memory
> extensions and such...)
> The scheduler actually has a lot of information to work with. Ingo's patches
> strive to give it more information, and and Con's patches make much better
> use of that information. This is a good thing.
>>Well said :)
> Actually, I didn't really consider that list of straw man arguments to be
> worth commenting on the first time around. (I thought he was being
> sarcastic...)

Well, I think he was too, but I am trying to say (as I think you are
too) that it is not far from being a realistic goal.

As to timing, I just changed ISPs and was off line for a few days...

George Anzinger
Preemption patch:

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