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SubjectRe: [PATCH]O14int

Con Kolivas wrote:

>On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 15:44, Martin Schlemmer wrote:
>>On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 11:04, Con Kolivas wrote:
>>>On Sat, 9 Aug 2003 01:49, Con Kolivas wrote:
>>>>More duck tape interactivity tweaks
>>>>Wli pointed out an error in the nanosecond to jiffy conversion which
>>>>may have been causing too easy to migrate tasks on smp (? performance
>>>Looks like I broke SMP build with this. Will fix soon; don't bother
>>>trying this on SMP yet.
>>Not to be nasty or such, but all these patches have taken
>>a very responsive HT box to one that have issues with multiple
>>make -j10's running and random jerkyness.
>A UP HT box you mean? That shouldn't be capable of running multiple make -j10s
>without some noticable effect. Apart from looking impressive, there is no
>point in having 30 cpu heavy things running with only 1 and a bit processor
>and the machine being smooth as silk; the cpu heavy things will just be
>unfairly starved in the interest of appearance (I can do that easily enough).
>Please give details if there is a specific issue you think I've broken or
>else I wont know about it.

Yeah make -j10s won't be without impact, but I think for a lot of
interactive stuff they don't need a lot of CPU, just to get it
in a timely manner. And Martin did say it had been responsive.
Sounds like in this case your changes are causing the interactive
stuff to get less CPU or higher scheduling latency?

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