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SubjectRe: [PATCH] CodingStyle fixes for drm_agpsupport
Larry McVoy wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 01:53:17PM -0400, Jeff Garzik wrote:
>>Larry McVoy wrote:
>>are function calls at a 10-nanosecond glance. Also, having two styles
>>of 'if' formatting in your example just screams "inconsistent" to me :)
> It is inconsistent, on purpose. It's essentially like perl's
> return unless pointer;
> which is a oneliner, almost like an assert().

perl is a yucky language full of hacks like this... one of the reasons
why I love it :)

So while perl's syntax sugar allows my hands to type a bit less, I'll
often find myself following a C style and doing

unless statement;

In general, I will continue to say the 'if' test should be completely
separately from the statement, no matter how short either are.

> Maybe this will help: I insist on braces on anything with indentation so
> that I can scan them more quickly. If I gave you a choice between
> if (!pointer) {
> return (whatever);
> }
> if (!pointer) return (whatever);
> which one will you type more often? I actually don't care which you use,
> I prefer the shorter one because I don't measure my self worth in lines
> of code generated, I tend to favor lines of code deleted :) But either
> one is fine, I tend to use the first one if it has been a problem area
> and I'm likely to come back and shove in some debugging.
> Before you say "lose the braces" try reading more code and see how much faster
> it is if all indented stuff has braces. You whiz through it.

Unless you get more than one or two independent 'if' tests like that,
then all those braces for a one-line test eat up wasted screen real
estate, slowing down the person reading the code.

So, if you gave me the choice above, I would choose option C, neither :)

>>Absolutely not. I'm cooler, so my opinion counts more.
> You are in North Carolina, I'm in San Francisco. No competition, you are
> sweating like a pig :)
>>>Same for your eyes when you get to my age.
>>I bet when you were in school, you had to chip your homework into slate,
>>and dinner was brontosaurus-kebob, right?
> Dinner? You got dinner? Damn, you were spoiled.

hehe :)


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