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SubjectRe: Forking shell bombs
Ryan Underwood wrote:

>:(){ :|:&};:
>Paste that into bash and watch linux die. (2.4.21 stock)
>I've seen some methods of dealing with infinitely forking processes, but
>short of solving the Halting Problem I doubt we will ever find a perfect
>solution to _preventing_ them. So I had a few ideas that might help an
>admin _deal_ with a fork storm when it is occurring so that the S-U-B
>approach can be avoided.
>I also found it interesting that alt-sysrq-S took about 5 minutes to
>complete the sync. Is there some sort of priority issue there? I would
>think that kernel operations should forget about all the little annoying
>processes going crazy. Also, eventually, the OOM killer started killing
>off stuff, but I noticed that it would repeatedly attempt to kill the
>same pid, such as gpm's pid, up to 10 times or so. Was it not getting
>enough CPU time to die, or something?
>Anyway, here are my half-baked ideas, maybe someone else has more
>1) Alt-SysRq-<x>- then type the name of a process and hit enter. All
>processes matching this name are killed. Drawback -- if you use this to
>kill e.g. bash, all your login shells will die too, putting a desktop
>user back at a login prompt. This is ok for servers, not for desktops.
>This would solve shell bombs but not compiled bombs -- a process would
>just overwrite argv[0] after it forks with random gibberish to defeat
>2) Alt-SysRq-<x> - Kill all processes that share the most popular
>process size in the system table. This way even if the name is changed,
>if there is a process making infinite copies of itself, since all the
>processes are carrying out the same action, they may have the same size.
>This is speculation and may be wrong.
>3) Alt-SysRq-<x> - Kill the process that has the most descendent
>processes. This could be made "smart" so that it only kills off the
>part of the process tree where it really starts branching off, which
>is a likely candidate for where the fork bomb started.
>4) Since processes are created with increasing pids, a "killall" against
>a fork bomb does nothing. It simply starts killing processes matching
>that name starting at the lowest pid. But the processes which are
>forking at higher pids eventually wrap around and get lower pids again,
>which makes you end up with a forkbomb ring buffer. Not too effective
>at getting rid of the problem.
>What about some sort of reverse killall, or a killall with specific
>capabilities tailored to taking out fork bombs? My roommate suggested
>perhaps a "killall-bomb" may be in order. A killall that forks
>infinitely just like the bomb does, but also works to kill off the bomb
>by filling up the process table itself. Eventually the predators should
>exhaust their prey, and then expire themselves with nothing left to eat.
>5) Alt-SysRq-<x> - Until this key combination is pressed again, when a
>process tries to fork(), kill it instead. After a couple seconds, all
>the forking annoyances should be gone. You may lose some legitimate
>processes who try to fork within that interval, but you will most likely
>retain control of your system with little interruption. (?)
>6) A fork flag in a process header? Perhaps like the digital copy
>flag to impose restrictions on consumer devices, a process should only
>be allowed to fork a set number of times before any further fork returns
>When I am in sysadmin mode, the very last thing on earth I want to do is
>admit defeat to errant programs running on my system. Perhaps the Linux
>kernel can be made more resilient to fork bomb behavior in the first
>place, but if not, it would certainly help to be able to take care of
>the problem once it is already happening, aside from a punch of the reset
>Comments appreciated!
>See ya,
It's a base redhat kernel, after the cannot allocate memory, my system
returned to normal operation and it didnt die.
Is this the type of behavior you were looking for? or am i off base?

Linux sloth 2.4.20-8 #1 Thu Mar 13 17:54:28 EST 2003 i686 i686 i386

$ :(){ :|:&};:
[1] 3071

[1]+ Done : | :

$ -bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
-bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
-bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
-bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory


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