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SubjectRe: FAT statfs loop abort on read-error
On Fri, 04 Jul 2003 13:57:19 +0200 Sancho Dauskardt <> wrote:

| Hi all,
| i've written to the current FAT maintainer (Gordon Chaffee) about this,
| but he's no longer active, so:
| While working in the usb-sotrage area (mostly with removeable media, eg.
| CompactFlash in USB-Readers), i've come across a litte odd behaviour:
| when calling statfs on a volume that has been removed (without umount)
| fat_statfs() will attempt to read all sectors of the fat table quite a few
| times (depending on the fat type, eg. FAT16 --> 256 times).
| eg:
| 1. mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/cf
| 2. remove card
| 3. df
| on my system, for a 16 MB CompactFlash formated with FAT-16 this takes 47
| seconds.
| Possible solution:
| 1. let default_fat_access return something like -2 on 'can't read' error.
| 2. Abort stafs loop on error.
| 3. return -EIO
| This would break mode fat_access calls. I could make a patch, but I don't
| know what's going on with those cvf extensions (which seem to replace
| fat_access). Is dmsdos dead / can we ignore it ?
| Somewhere in the list archives, I found comments about the cvf stuff being
| completely removed ?

Try asking OGAWA Hirofumi (cc-ed). He's the de facto FAT maintainter.
(I asked him to add a patch to MAINTAINTERS...)

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