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SubjectRe: PATCH : LEDs - possibly the most pointless kernel subsystem ever
On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 05:08:34PM +0100, John Bradford wrote:
> I'll buy some LEDs and build a parallel port connected LED panel
> tomorrow... Do you think the overhead of driving the LEDs would have
> too much of a negative effect on system performance? If so, or if we
> want more flexibility, maybe we could work out a design for a PCI
> card, which could include more than 12 LEDs - 7-segment numeric
> displays of pid, etc.

If you are going to talk special hardware i'd suggest making
it a USB device instead of a PCI card.

Most systems manufactured in the last five years or so ago
have USB but laptops don't and many servers don't have a
spare PCI slot. There is enough power specified by the
standard to make it a passive device in most cases. If you
want you could use a cable long enough to mount the display
on the wall outside the wiring closet or server room.

Sounds fun so have some.

J.W. Schultz Pegasystems Technologies
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