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    SubjectRe: 2.5.74-mm1

    Hi Russell,

    > If anyone else is having similar problems, they need to report them so
    > we can obtain more data points - I suspect some other change in some other
    > subsystem broke PCMCIA for Wiktor.

    I have a T20 and a NE2k network card and have been experiencing a similar
    hang when I start cardmgr. I did some playing around with it and found
    some inconsistencies.

    At first, I had it in Slot 1, and it hung when probing the first range of
    addresses. I moved it to Slot 0, and it was able to probe and bring the
    interface up (though it did complain heavily about dropping packets).

    After a few reboots, it started hanging during the address probe (in Slot
    0). I tried disabling various memory regions to probe in
    /etc/pcmcia/config.opts, and had luck initially, but it now has decided to
    not work at all.

    I also have a Cisco/Aironet 340 802.11b card that is having problems. When
    in Slot 0, cardmgr can idenitfy the card, and the driver initalizes the
    card properly, but I cannot obtain an IP address (but does not hang). In
    Slot 1, the system hangs while trying to obtain an IP address.

    Any ideas?


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