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SubjectRe: [PATCH] O10int for interactivity
On Mon, Jul 28, 2003 at 01:12:16AM +1000, Con Kolivas wrote:
> Here is a fairly rapid evolution of the O*int patches for interactivity thanks
> to Ingo's involvement.
> Changes:
> I've put in some defines to clarify where the numbers for MAX_SLEEP_AVG come
> from now, rather than the number being magic. In the process it increases MSA
> every so slightly so that an average task that runs a full timeslice (102ms)
> will drop exactly one priority in that time.
> I've incorporated Ingo's fix for scheduling latency in a form that works for
> my patch, along with the other minor tweaks.
> The parent and child sleep avg on forking is set to just on the priority bonus
> value with each fork thus keeping their bonus the same but making them very
> easy to tip to a lower priority.
> A tiny addition to ensure any task that runs gets charged one tick of
> sleep_avg.
> This patch is against 2.6.0-test1-mm2 patched up to O9int. An updated
> O9int with layout corrections was posted on my website. A full O10int patch
> against 2.6.0-test1 is available on my website.

okay, applied O10 on top of 2.6.0-test2. The same problem I wrote you
yesterday about O9, when starting OpenOffice and bzip2'ing in the
background OO becomes nearly unusable - I can type a sentence and watch
the characters appear. I don't know if this was always the case since I
haven't used OO before that much (need it for the university now)


Wiktor Wodecki
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