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SubjectRe: [2.4 PATCH] bugfix: ARP respond on all devices
First of all, Im sorry I started this. It was a genuine error on my side, to assume I stumbled on a bug, while it is in fact a hotly
debated 'feature'. I did google for it, but must have missed it, it would have saved my weekend. I didn't want to (re)start a
religious war.

Maybe we should let it rest for a bit, until we have something to discuss about. Right now, I've have the idea that people are
talking about slightly different things.

> What I think David fails to realize is that in the real world, people
> use the hidden patch on a regular basis. It is the simplest way to
> achieve what we want to in a server farm consisting of hundreds of
> servers. It also involves the least overhead.
Me myself. I've downloaded it, and use it now. It works fine for me and I don't see any problems. But I do not oversee the whole
picture, and I don't think anybody fully understands the other camp's objections.

David, I hope that you will explain your side of the story, or maybe point to a webpage where it is explained clearly. I still have
no idea as to what your objections are, other than that in the past, another choice was made to do things.


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