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SubjectRe: Reiser4 status: benchmarked vs. V3 (and ext3)
Daniel Egger wrote:

>Am Son, 2003-07-27 um 14.59 schrieb Hans Reiser:
>>I thought that close was fine, it was putting it in the same block that
>>was the problem?
>This looks fine for normal harddrives put on flash you'd probably like
>to write the data evenly over the free space in some already formatted
>section still leaving the oportunity to format some other sectors to not
>run out of space.
I was not able to parse the sentence above.;-)

>>Again, I think this is best solved in the device layer.
>A device layer that shuffles around sectors would have interesting
>semantics, like hardly being portable because one would have to use
>exactly the same device driver with the same parameters to use the
>filesystem and thus retrieve the data.
No, you could be more clever than that.


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