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SubjectRe: Switching to the OSL License, in a dual way.

> BK already provides more than enough in the way of
> interoperability, both on the way in and on the way out. It's
> trivial to get your data out of BK as well as your metadata. It's
> a small perl script to get all the info out and plop it into some
> other system, we're much better about that than any free or
> commercial system.

And MS Word allows to export data in plain text or html. But it's
still allowed to reverse MS Word to make a .doc import/export plugin
for OpenOffice or Abiword.

This is exactly the same. As long as there is a data format or a
protocol involved, European laws allow users to reverse engineer it,
to be able to create another program using the same format and

All data formats and protocol should be publically available. This is
absolute required for a full inter-operability, and to give to users
the freedom of choice. If they are not, then European laws guarantee
us that we are free to try to find out by ourselves. And I'm glad this
law exists.

Gael Le Mignot "Kilobug" - -
GSM : (in France) ICQ UIN : 7299959
Fingerprint : 1F2C 9804 7505 79DF 95E6 7323 B66B F67B 7103 C5DA

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