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SubjectRE: Promise SATA driver GPL'd


I needed the laugh, thanks.

Your one point about free becoming unfree is on task.
You should have been more brief, but I enjoyed it.

Andre Hedrick
LAD Storage Consulting Group

On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, David Schwartz wrote:

> > Freedom comes from keeping all of it free.
> All code released publically is free. The more code you release, the more
> freedom.
> You seem to think that how much freedom you have is based upon what
> percentage of code is free as opposed to how much free code there is. Nobody
> can reduce the amount of free code, so nobody can reduce your freedom.
> No matter how much code I write for which I don't give you the source, the
> amount of code for which you do have the source is not reduced. The more
> free code there is, the freer you are. The only thing that threatens your
> freedom is if someone makes free code unfree. How do they do that?
> If I add something and don't make it free, that doesn't reduce your
> freedom. It only fails to increase it.
> > Litigation is a means to prevent the blanket theift of today.
> > You cleary do not get it.
> The only thing a person can steal is what they themselves added. So no
> theft takes any of your freedom away. You are still free, no matter how many
> things that I produce I fail to give you.
> > How do you plan to stop people from making changes to the kernel,
> > packaging a binary kernel and selling it?
> Would I be any better off if they didn't make the changes in the first
> place? How can someone not giving me access to something they produced make
> me any less free than if those things didn't exist at all?
> Nobody can take your freedom away just by denying you something that they
> produced.
> DS
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