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    SubjectRe: Make menuconfig broken
    On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 11:00:31AM -0700, Samuel Flory wrote:
    > Is it too much to ask to make the defaults give us a working
    > console? Otherwise we will be answering the question of "why does
    > screen go blank after uncompressing" for the entire 2.6 cycle!!

    I'm the 'beginner' that started the thread and I was wondering what *I*
    wanted to have in place. Well, I don't think the way the scripts work
    now should change, that would make an ugly newbiefication on something
    that works. On the other hand as already mentioned, 'if you need
    keyboard support at boot, then you just need to include keyboard support
    into the kernel' which I guess is a good way into pushing the use of
    some common sense. Also the problem is probably here partly because
    people are used to older kernel configs which brings two thoughts.
    Firstly, people who are compiling 2.5 are *supposed* to have some
    experience and secondly, people using 2.6 will eventually learn how to
    use the new features.

    Some '*** WARNING:'s would the job without making the scripts
    too newbiefied IMO. Most linux end-users don't compile kernels
    in these days and the ones that do, prefer rawness.

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