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SubjectRe: [BENCHMARK] O1int with contest
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003 14:26, Roberto Orenstein wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Here are some numbers from three kernels tested on my home machine.
> All threes are 2.5.73 based.
> Vanilla is a plain one, O1int-0307020011 is the latest (as I last
> checked) O1int patch w/o the granularity patch, and
> O1int-granu-0307020011 is the former with granularity.

Thanks for doing these.

> One can see that with granularity, the kernel compile suffers a bit, but
> the response is usually high. In my machine, this was the kernel with
> the best responsiveness.

Can you please describe your experiences? The more feedback I get the more I
can get it working well.

> Each kernel was run once, except O1int-0307020011 with three iterations.
> This was the first I tested, and as soon I noticed the time it took, I
> decided to run once the others 8). Maybe this has some bad influence on
> the results. I appreciate any comments...

Ok well here is my summary of the situation. My patch has virtually no effect
on contest results (except perhaps io_other). This is good because my earlier
attempts did affect it, and possibly starved some of the loads. Dare I say
it, contest is not very good at picking up _these_ sort of scheduler tweaks
unless they do something wrong. Sorry if my system responsiveness benchmark
doesn't show this effect; I think they're different. This is more about
picking the right thing to give preference to. There's a long discussion in
that, but I'll try not to get into it.

By the way it doesn't look like your dbench in dbench load actually worked.

O1int still remains a work in progress.


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