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SubjectRe: kernel 2.6.0-test1 snd-ice1724 module OOPS
At Thu, 17 Jul 2003 07:25:36 -0400,
Wil Reichert wrote:
> Yes, the module loads fine now.
> I have a couple of questions regarding this card (M-Audio Revolution 7.1) and ALSA if you'll humour me.
> A) Does the driver support more than 2 channels of sound?

yes. you'll need to raise the DAC volumes.

> I've had no luck getting output out of anything but the analog front channel.

what program did you use?
if you want to duplicate signals to surround ,etc., you can configure
it in your ~/.asoundrc file. (only for ALSA apps, though.)
we don't do signal duplication in kernel.

> B) Instead of the typical <Master> <PCM> <Line> etc channels in alsamixer I have DAC[1-7], with the front left & right channel being <DAC> and <DAC1>. Is this normal?

yes. it's not a typical consumer card.
if you have 6 or 8 channels, which should be called "Master"? :)

> C) mplayer ( compiled with alsa support will detect the card but fails a snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format call. It will work fine via OSS emulation however. The same build of mplayer works fine via alsa with other cards, tho. Is this a driver problem, a hardware limitation, or a problem in mplayer?

the problem of application. the application should use plug (or
other) plugin to convert the sample format on user-space.

Takashi Iwai <> SuSE Linux AG -
ALSA Developer ALSA Project -
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