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SubjectRe: 2.6.0-test1-ac2 issues / Toshiba Laptop keyboard
>>>>> "Ralf" == Ralf Hildebrandt <> writes:

Ralf> * and the most interesting issue is related to the keyboard of this
Ralf> Toshiba laptop (Satellite Pro 6100):

Ralf> The Kernel reports:

Ralf> atkbd.c: Unknown key (set 2, scancode 0xb2, on isa0060/serio0) pressed.
Ralf> atkbd.c: Unknown key (set 2, scancode 0xae, on isa0060/serio0) pressed.
Ralf> atkbd.c: Unknown key (set 2, scancode 0xb1, on isa0060/serio0) pressed.
Ralf> atkbd.c: Unknown key (set 2, scancode 0x97, on isa0060/serio0) pressed.
Ralf> atkbd.c: Unknown key (set 2, scancode 0xa2, on isa0060/serio0) pressed.
Ralf> atkbd.c: Unknown key (set 2, scancode 0x92, on isa0060/serio0) pressed.

I've been hacking through a similar issue on some Dell laptops.

You need to add entries to the atkbd_set2_keycode[] array in
drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.h. Look at the #defines in
inlucde/linux/input.h for stuff that matches the keys that
five the unknown key printk()s, and put those values in the
Nth entry of the array, where N is the scancode reported in
the printk().

Eg, if the first key mentioned above were a VolumeUp key, you
would want to add the value 115 to the 0xb2'th entry in the

Once you do that, you can run xev(1x) to see what X keycode they
get, look in xkb/keycodes/xfree86 for the symbol associated with
each keycode, and in xkb/symbols/* for something that associates
that xkb symbol with an X11 keysym.


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