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SubjectRe: [Patch][RFC] epoll and half closed TCP connections
"David Schwartz" <> writes:

> This is really just due to bad coding in 'poll', or more precisely very bad
> for this case. For example, why is it allocating a wait queue buffer if the
> odds that it will need to wait are basically zero? Why is it adding file
> descriptors to the wait queue before it has determined that it needs to
> wait?

Because this is much easier to do in userspace, it's just not very
well documented that you should almost always call poll() with a zero
timeout first. However it's been there for years, and things have used
There are still optimizations that could have been done to poll() to
speed it up but Linus has generally refused to add them.


# James Antill --
* ^From: .*james@and\.org
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