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SubjectRe: 2.6.0-test1-ac1 Matrox Compile Error
On Tue, 15 July 2003 20:13:28 +0100, Dave Jones wrote:
> Sorry, any vendor contemplating shipping 2.6test in a device at this stage
> is a lunatic. I don't care about lunatics. As we saw recently there
> are a lot of wireless routers and the like out there all stuck on some
> magical 2.4.5 kernel. That sucks, but it's at least better than putting
> beta quality code in something people pay money for.

Well, the good old embedded process is this:

Take what's availlable (2.4.5 then).
Adapt to the hardware.
Test for a while.
Ship it.
Don't touch it anymore.

So what is lunatic about doing the same with 2.6test? It may make the
test a little more expensive, but the adaptation will be cheaper, so
you are just about even. And the result is no less frightening than a
2.4.2 kernel with various backports from 2.4.younameit, and even more
quick hacks.

The only thing we agree on is that it would be loony to port known
working hardware to a newer kernel.


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