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SubjectRE: Interrupt doesn't make it to the 8259 on a ASUS P4PE mobo
On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, Kathy Frazier wrote:

> Thanks for your reply, Andi.
> >> We have a proprietary PCI board installed in a (UP) system with an ASUS
> P4PE
> >> motherboard (uses Intel 845PE chipset). This system is running Red Hat
> 9.0
> >Have you checked the 845 errata sheets on the Intel website?
> >Perhaps it is some known hardware bug.
> >One thing you could try is to use Local APIC / IO APIC interrupt processing
> >instead of 8259.
> Our hardware engineer has combed the Intel and ASUS websites, but found
> nothing. I'll give the APIC a try and see if I get different results and
> let you know.
> >>
> >> /* start timer */
> >> dmatimer.expires = jiffies + 0.5*HZ;
> >That's a serious bug. You cannot use floating point in the kernel.
> >It will corrupt the FP state of the user process.
> HZ on the INTEL platform is 100, so this should simply add 50 to the current
> value of jiffies. Besides, assigning the value to the unsigned int field
> (expires) will truncate it to an integer anyway. Is there a more
> appropriate way to handle a short timeout?

It will truncate it at runtime.

I suggest

dmatimer.expires = jiffies + HZ/2;

Also, you you need to use the time_before() macro, like

while ( time_before(jiffies, dmatimer.expires) )

... so you don't have a timer-wrap problem during jiffie rollover if
you haven't already done so (I don't have your source here).

> Thanks,
> Kathy

Dick Johnson
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