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SubjectRe: 2.5 'what to expect'
Dave Jones wrote:
> - Some people seem to have trouble running rpm, most notably Red Hat 9 users.
> This is a known bug of rpm.
> Workaround: run "export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5", before running rpm.

Ah, _thank you_.

It's not an rpm bug, as such; it's a problem/bug with DB4, the
Berkeley DB library.

I just spent 2 hours trying to figure out why rpm was failing.
write() returning EINVAL for no reason? Finally spotted that O_DIRECT
was the significant bit.

I don't raise any eyebrows when rpm has a bug - after all, it's had
quite a few. But I was disappointed to find Berkeley DB's own db_dump
unable to read the rpm database too.

End result: I copied an rpm database from another machine. It's wrong
for this machine, but nearly right. Ah well.

If I'd only known about the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL fix sooner.

Can this go into Documentation/Changes, please?

-- Jamie
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