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SubjectRe: 2.5.74-mm3 OOM killer fubared ?
In article <>,
William Lee Irwin III <> wrote:
>In article <>, William Lee Irwin
>III <> wrote:
>>> since = now - lastkill;
>>> if (since < HZ*5)
>>> goto out_unlock;
>>> try s/goto out_unlock/goto reset/ and let me know how it goes.
>On Thu, Jul 10, 2003 at 12:54:01PM +0000, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
>> But that will only change the rate at which processes are killed,
>> not the fact that they are killed in the first place, right ?
>> As I said I've got plenty memory free ... perhaps I need to tune
>> /proc/sys/vm because I've got so much streaming I/O ? Possibly,
>> there are too many dirty pages so cleaning them out faster might
>> help (and let pflushd do it instead of my single-threaded app)
>That's not what it's supposed to do. The thought behind it is that since
>out_of_memory()'s count is not reset unless it's been 5s since the last
>time this was ever invoked, it will happen on a regular basis after the
>first kill if it is invoked regularly. It's actually a bit too late,
>since something's already been killed, but it should make a larger
>difference than merely altering the rate.

Well, that won't help in my case, as my problem is not that many
processes are killed - it's just that every few minutes (sometimes
3 minutes, sometimes 30, sometimes an hour) an innocent process
gets killed (just one) with 2.5.74-mm3. And that did not happen
with 2.5.74 or 2.5.72-mm2


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