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SubjectRe: 2.4.22-pre3 and reiserfs boot problem
Anders Karlsson wrote:
> Hi,
> Apologies for chipping in, but I saw something similar to what was
> described in the thread. I'm running 2.4.22-pre3-ac1 with the FreeS/WAN
> 2.0.1 patches and noticed last night that when booting this kernel, if
> an ext3 filesystem had exceeded its mount count and required checking,
> the e2fsck process would hang sometime during the fsck and the system
> would become unresponsive, but SysRq would still work. Alt-SysRq-P would

Was there any disk activity after it became unresponsive? If not, please
provide a (partially) decoded SysRq-T. I'm only interested in the decoded
stack trace of the hung process (it should have a "D" after the process name).

> show e2fsck and some register details. I did not note them down, but
> booting 2.4.21-rc7-ac1 and letting that kernel check the filesystem
> would work. Booting back into 2.4.22-pre3-ac1 would then also work.
> This might or might not be related to the original problem. I do use
> nmi_watchdog=1, NMI count is 1 presently, so I guess that works. The ram
> is memtested, so that is not an issue, heavy filesystem usage works
> normally, it was just e2fsck that would not work. I have not tried -pre2
> or -pre4 yet, but that is on the cards.
> If there is anything I can try, let me know.


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