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SubjectRe: [RFC][PATCH] nbd driver for 2.5+: fix locking issues with ioctl UI
Paul Clements wrote:

>. . .
>That's not an unreasonable thing to'd be a much more minor change.
>I guess I'm just having a hard time seeing the benefit of rearranging
>all this code. Unless there's some substantial benefit, it seems wiser
>to keep the changes as minimal as possible...after all, the current code
>does work.
>. . .
Sorry for the confusion. I think you're looking at the nbd code more
from the standpoint of fixing problem areas and integration with the
changes from 2.5. I've had my eye meanwhile on a more robust
implemenation and enhanced design. The difference being that what I've
submitted so far are just the changes I've needed along that path which
also achieve the former target. But the changes clearly aren't ideal for
the former perspective - in not being minimalistic changes. Just nobody
else has completely fixed problematic areas of the driver liking locking
races so I figure if the code also fixes these problematic areas it's
worth sharing with this audience. YMMV of course.

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