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SubjectRe: Dell vs. GPL
Ricardo Galli wrote:
> Indeed. Those people don't realise that their "copyright" law is different to
> the almost the rest of the world.

> In most of Europe there in no "The Copyright", but "authors' or
> moral rights" ("derechos de autor", "droit d'auteur") and
> "exploitation rights" (or economic rights).

> Author/moral rights cannot be jeopardized.

Except when the work is a computer program. Check the law sometime!

I recall there is a special exception for computer programs in either
UK or EU law - I forget which, perhaps both. This exception means
that if I compose some music for a publisher, I cannot give up moral
rights to the work - which means I always have a right to be credited
as author or something like that, and nobody can take that away.
However, if I compose a computer program for a publisher, my moral
right to be credited _is_ taken away.

This _only_ applies to computer programmers. Bah!

-- Jamie
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