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SubjectRe: File System conversion -- ideas

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On 6/29/2003 at 8:28 PM Jamie Lokier wrote:

>Leonard Milcin Jr. wrote:
>> I think that filesystem conversion on-the-fly is useless. Why? If you're
>> making conversion of filesystem, you have to make good backup of data
>> from that filesystem.
>I disagree with this statement.

Me too. It's a GOOD IDEA. But... heck we don't all have tape backups.

>> It is likely that when something goes wrong during
>> conversion (power loss) filesystem will be corrupted, and data will be
>> lost.
>Only if the converter stores a temporarily inconsistent state on the
>filesystem. Sometimes it is possible to write a converter where the
>filesystem is in a consistent state throughout, except perhaps during
>a critical transition from one filesystem type to the other.

Dude come on I said put a journal in the datasystem so you DON'T get
inconsistencies like that! (A roll-back journal)

>> If you think the data is not worth to make backup - you don't have
>> to convert it. Just delete worthless filesystem, and create new one.
>> I
>> the data is worth making backup, and finally you make it - you don't
>> need to convert it.
>You are discounting the existence of data which is valuable enough not
>to have deleted already, yet which is not valuable enough to backup.
>I'd count local mirrors in this category: backup is too expensive, yet
>the cost of recreating the mirror is significant (days of
>downloading), therefore worth keeping if possible.


>Also MP3 & DIVX collections etc. If you lose them it's not the end of
>the world, but you'd rather not.

HEY! It IS the end of the world if I lose /data/audio !!!!!!! I can't code
without music!

>> You could just delete filesystem, and restore data
>> from copy. If in turn one think the data is worth to protect it from
>> loss, but he will not do it... he risks that the data will be lost, and
>> he should not get access to such things.
> ^^^^^^
>It may not be worth it to _you_, but to me the cost of spare disks is
>significant enough that I choose to risk my less valuable data. It's
>my data hence my choice.

You forgot something. I only risk bugs in the code, that's why there's a
journal. You can have a bug in the filesystem code. You're taking the
same risks doing the conversion that you are mounting th efilesystem.

>> I think that copying data to another filesystem, and restoring it to
>> newly created is most of the time best and fastest method of converting
>> filesystems.
>You are right that this diminishes the value of an in-place filesystem
>converter (and defragmenter), because it is not necessary if you have
>the foresight to use multiple partitions or LVM, and enough spare disk

Erm? Not everyone has spare disk space or wants to be assed with it.
Those methods take more work.

>However it would still be useful to some people, some of the time.
>Consider that many people choose ext3 rather than reiser simply
>because it is easy to convert ext2 to ext3, and hard to convert ext2
>to reiser (and hard to convert back if they don't like it). I have
>seen this written by many people who choose to use ext3. Thus proving
>that there is value in in-place filesystem conversion :)

that's me. I cite that I want to go from reiser3.6 to reiser4, but I have only
one reiser3.6. I used to have all reiserfs, and yes it was a lot faster. Now
I want it back.

>-- Jamie

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