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SubjectRe: is down
Am Son, 2003-06-29 um 12.24 schrieb Mr. James W. Laferriere:

> > Which are 300Mbytes/minute, still faster than many tapes.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

> 5MB/Sec is faster than MOST tapes drivs ? Or ???
> If you are talking older scsi-2 or 1 drives yes .
> But on a properly tuned system any of the newer tape drives s/b
> able beat that hands down .

To cite a popular manufacturer directly from the homepage:
"... and a data transfer rate of up to 5 megabytes per second"

Please note the "up to" and that this drive is an affordable latest
generation ADR streamer.

Last time I looked the speed was still specified per minute since they
are (were?) so slow. Also note than an iPod has a data transfer rate of
5MB/s, modern drives (even when crammed into an USB2/Firewire casing)
beat that by a magnitude yet are a whole lot cheaper than a good

FWIW: The streamer in my office is in the happy 100MB/m (compressed)

Streamers are only interesting for lots of data, for normal use they're
not only too slow but also too expensive.

> I'd like to see a raising hands that have this functional at
> anywhere near line (60% is close enough) rate ?

Check tomshardware or whatever magazine you prefer to read. Modern cases
(like the ones with the Oxford chipsets) deliver almost the same
performance as a built-in controller.

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