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SubjectRe: networking bugs and
   From: Alan Cox <>
Date: 29 Jun 2003 23:07:07 +0100

What you don't get is that like you I'm distributing work. I'm
getting end users to spot bug correlations - and thats why I want
better tools

I understand this part, it's great sounding in theory.

But all the examples I've seen are you sifting through bugzilla making
these correlations. I've seen no evidence of community participation
in this activity.

The greatest tools in the world aren't useful if people don't want
to use them.

Nobody wants to use tools unless it melds easily into their existing
daily routine. This means it must be email based and it must somehow
work via the existing mailing lists. It sounds a lot like what I'm
advocating except that there's some robot monitoring the list

But then who monitors and maintains the entries? That's the big
problem and I haven't heard a good solution yet. Going to a web site
and clicking buttons is not a solution. That's a waste of time.
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