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SubjectRe: O(1) scheduler & interactivity improvements
At 01:39 PM 6/27/2003 +0200, Helge Hafting wrote:
>Mike Galbraith wrote:
>>At 10:18 AM 6/27/2003 +0200, Helge Hafting wrote:
> > (simple? decode stack, find out where he was sleeping,
>Complicated indeed, but why do that?
>A process sleeping on a pipe will wake up in the kernel's
>pipe reading code, won't it? No need for guessing where
>it was sleeping. Code for transferring interactivity
>bonus could go right there.

<G> Suggestion: Re-read the part you snipped before you submit the patch.

>>What I think kills the priority redistribution idea is _massive_
>>complexity. I don't see anything simple. You would have to build the
>>logical connections between tasks, which currently doesn't exist.
>I must admit I don't know the details of the scheduler. Still, Linus
>tried a form of redistribution (the backboost thing). It helped in some
>It seems to me that it got revoked because it did the wrong
>thing at times, leading to starvation issus that didn't exist before.
>It didn't go because it was overly complex or slow?

It went because it drove the system nuts sometimes. Too bad that, it was
lovely for GUI.


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