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SubjectRe: [OT] Re: Troll Tech [was Re: Sco vs. IBM]
On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 17:57:36 -0700
"Robert White" <> wrote:

> Stephen,
> So given this responsibility he has chosen to take, that you admire,

Sorry, I said "respect", I didn't mean and say "admire".

> and
> that I have no aspirations towards because I already know it isn't an area I
> will do well in...
> Is it responsible for him to pose a question about the source and nature of
> innovation and then reply to the feedback he receives with "you've never run
> a business so why should I listen to you"?

Well, as all of the writers and readers of this and other threads are free
people (I hope), he has a choice. I would not critize someone for his personal
choice in such a matter, you may call it wrong from your point of view, but
this is simply called "different opinions".

> Is it responsible to start with the assumption that business is innovation
> and non business is, by definition, *not* innovation? His position only
> makes sense if this founding position ("business is the sole source of
> meaningful innovation in software") is true. He will entertain no dissent
> on that position no matter how many innovators claim otherwise.

From the deepest ground of my heart I would say: YES. He has a right to think,
say and do whatever he likes as long as it does not interfere with rights of
others. I think you left the thread (already quite off-topic for LKML) and got
to the "free speech" topic (completely off-topic for LKML).

This is really a discussion, Rob. In a discussion you will meet all flavors of
people including ones that don't like you or your sayings. Others may even
ignore you completely. I think it's their right to do so. We are discussing a
controverse topic here, so you can expect to convince nobody but yourself.
Nevertheless you are free to talk about your personal opinion, because it gives
others at least a chance to think about it, even if they don't tell you.

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