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SubjectRe: is down
Wow.  So this is a different server, this is the second backup machine.
So in about a week we've had the primary die, the secondary have a bad
disk, and the second backup have a bad disk.

I don't know if you all realize this but at one point we had corrupted
data in several repositories and the backups were also shot. But because
BK replicates the data (as Peter Chubb says "you are lost in a maze of
BitKeeper repositories, all almost the same") I was able to look through
other replicas until I found the missing chunks and put them back.

Maybe we should take a page from Oracle and start advertising. How's this?

BitKeeper makes your source unbreakable

I'm only half joking. If SVN/CVS/Clearcase/anyone else had both the primary
and the backup fail, you are just screwed, there isn't anything you can do.
Larry McVoy lm at
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