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SubjectRe: [2.5.73-mm1 XFS] restrict_chown and quotas
On Wed, 25 Jun 2003 15:41:29 +0200, Marek Habersack said:

> And what about the right to partially control the file whose ownership you
> transferred to another user? Currently it is possible to chmod a file to
> 0600 (or directory to 0700), chown it to root and then remove it - but you
> cannot write to it not even open it. Also, an administrator might expect
> that a file created with the root rights in the user's directory will remain
> untouchable/unreadable/inmutable to the user, but this is not so - the user
> can remove any files created by root whether or not restricted_chown is in
> effect. That might be quite a nightmare for the admins. Or at the very least
> it's inconsistent with other filesystems.

Maybe I'm low on caffeine and therefor misreading it, but isn't this just an
example of "file rename/remove requires write permission on the *parent*
dirctory, since that's what's being changed", which often surprises novice (and
not-so-novice) sysadmins? See also the reason for the sticky bit on directories..

In any case, I didn't notice that any behavior (other than the 'chown giveaway')
was different than other filesystems?
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