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SubjectRe: ide-scsi on 2.4.21 (on IBM Thinkpad T30)
I think you are saying that its not a module. Here is another report of 
a similar problem to mine:

He eventually solved the problem by making sure the ssci support wasnt
built as modules. (Follow the thread above).

There definitely seems to be a problem. If its not a problem but rather
a feature then I would like to know more about why we need to compile it
into the kernel...(i.e. what do we gain )..

Scott McDermott wrote:
> whoops forgot to add you to CC list as per your request
> To on Wed 25/06 19:38 -0400:
>>D. Sen on Thu 26/06 09:08 +1000:
>>>>>Kernel 2.4.21 causes hangs and/or ooops during boot up
>>>>>if I have a "probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi" in my
>>>>>/etc/modules.conf. If I take out that line and
>>>>>manually load the module after the laptop has booted,
>>>>>everything is fine.
>>>>I probably have the same CD-RW that you do (in the T30)
>>>>and I just use hdc=ide-scsi on kernel command line, no
>>>>need for manually loading. Works fine but don't try
>>>>burning with magicdev running :)
>>>Do you have ide-scsi built as a module though?
>>Yes. It works fine, I just tried with cdrdao using
>>generic-mmc driver. I have nothing at all in modules.conf
>>related to cd, ide, or scsi.

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