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SubjectRe: [OT] Re: Troll Tech [was Re: Sco vs. IBM] (sorry)
That's a very generous offer.  Green, what would be required to do what 
he asks?


joe briggs wrote:

>Hans -
>Here's a thought to chew on. I _value_ your software and use it extensively
>(along with other linux software). Out of necessity I painfully roll my own
>Debian distro/kernel and flinch _every_ time I use apt to update my boxes
>(wondering if some damn PAM module is going to hose me). Anyway, the point
>is, I build video servers that I sell for a profit - it is how I make my
>living. I am also aware that in reality I am making a living off of the
>backs of you (ala reiserfs) and others like you. The reason that I use linux
>is not because its free, but because it takes much less time to develop and
>maintain my video applications under linux than windows, because I can
>remotely service and maintain the boxes that I sell, and because linux has
>proven to be more reliable than the windows os that I used to base my product
>on. You see, the price is not the issue, its features, performance, and
>reliability are. So, consider this: YOU roll a DEB-REISER distribution
>targeted toward system builders such as me, that more smoothly incorporates
>reisefs than does the woody cd's (and a lot less generic), and then support
>the reiser-related issues, and I will happily pay you $100 per machine. It
>is well worth it to me to keep you in business (not that my volume alone
>would do it, but I am sure that there are a lot of others like me). Don't
>worry about putting in a licensing agent - honesty really works here. I used
>to base my product on RedHat and I purchased a copy of the OS for every box I
>sold - not that a customer would ever look under the hood or even read the
>docs, but it was my way of supporting the suppliers. I don't use RedHat now
>because I can't keep up with their release-to-release changes, and I need a
>distro more turned toward enterprise servers. The point is, I am not alone.
>Just a thought.
>On Tuesday 24 June 2003 06:47 am, Stewart Smith wrote:
>>On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 10:03:13AM +0400, Hans Reiser wrote:
>>>Umh, I would not mind something coming along to help me make it past
>>>October when my cash runs out. Being able to afford a house is too much
>>>to ask but making payroll would be nice.... Government money has done a
>>>lot to keep me from going bankrupt.
>>May I suggest whacking an icon up with "Donate to ReiserFS" up there?
>>Samba and GNOME are two projects which do this and at least get a bit
>>of funding for it. Check out the samba one, tridge says it does okay
>>with the updating list of who's donated money - makes it into a bit
>>of a fun game for donators :)
>>You've probably already got the credit card processing infrastructure
>>around, so it could be minimal effort - with only possible gain.
>>I'm sure happy reiser users would be willing to chuck a couple of
>>bucks your way to ensure further development.
>>Stewart Smith
>>Vice President, Linux Australia
>> (personal:
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