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SubjectRe: [OT] Re: Troll Tech [was Re: Sco vs. IBM]
Larry McVoy wrote:
> I've taken one pass through your message. Sounds like you have thought
> about this.

Only briefly ;-) But I take it as a good sign that this doesn't
appear entirely absurd already at first glance.

> My question for you is have you run a business? Do you
> have employees? How many?

Nope, none of that. Nor do I realistically expect to ever find
myself running a company. ("You must create your own company in
order to be independent yet influential" is one of those
stereotypes I'm rather sceptical about. Nothing wrong with the
approach per se, if you can get it to work, but this doesn't
have to mean that alternatives are worse or even impossible.)

> I have no idea where on the spectrum you sit but the thought has occurred
> to me that arguing business models with people who are operating from
> a 100% theoretical position is likely to not reach any agreement in my
> lifetime.

It wasn't the point of my posting to convince you to change
your business model. Since there is no such thing as my
fictional "Linux Bank" (or "Linux Fund" or whatever you'd
call it), doing this now would be about as smart as for fish
to give up fins before evolving out of the ocean :-)

Rather, I wanted to outline an alternative model that is
based on very different, yet - I hope - not overly
unrealistic premises, and maybe plant some ideas.

- Werner

/ Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina /
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