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SubjectRe: developers and GPL in products (Was: Re: GPL violations by wireless manufacturers)
Robins Tharakan wrote:
> Therefore, if Company A "sells" the package to anybody outside the
> company then it has to "make available" the source, including people
> like the primary developer.
> But i think the second part of Zack's reply might not be right.
> The company A only needs to make "available" the source. it doesnt
> "have" to bundle the source with the binaries... (maybe make it
> available on the website or make some such provisions...)

There is a choice of ONE of THREE options. Company A may EITHER:

1. include the source
2. accompany the binary with a written offer for the source
3. if it is a noncommercial RE-distribution of the binary, include the
offer that was received in terms with #2.

If the binary is downloaded from somewhere, having the source available
at the same place counts as #1.

IANAL, but that's how it all boils down for me. Hopefully that'll help
someone understand that part a little better.

Brian Davids

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