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SubjectRe: is down
And the saga continues (I really want to be a real CEO.  I've done some
research and I've found that golf isn't the only answer, fly fishing is
cool now too. I already know how to do that, I'm even good at it, so
I should go close some deals :)

Anyway, we put 2.5.70 on which is a Tyan dual PII motherboard
w/ serverworks IDE and we started getting data corruption. So I just
installed 2.4.21 and we'll see if that works better.

Things are going to be a little slow for a while I run through integrity
checks on all the repos, there are 4.5 million files here so it takes a
while (you guys do generate a pile of data, I'll give you that).

More status as I have, bkbits is up now and you should be able to use it.
If you hit problems in specific repos let me know, I already know about
the ppc problems.
Larry McVoy lm at
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