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SubjectRe: [OT] Re: Troll Tech [was Re: Sco vs. IBM]
(I'm not just under 400 posts behind, so forgive me if this doesn't fit 
the current context.)

Larry McVoy wrote:

> Instead of coming back at me with the premise of "well, I'm eating so my
> model is OK" how about coming back with a plan that says "Here's how we
> make an open source based business put Microsoft out of business". That's
> reality. You are just playing around on the edges, there is nothing
> wrong with that, but until you have a viable plan that competes with the
> big boys let's stop kidding ourselves, ok?

What if Microsoft is a non-issue? What if the guy doesn't care about
putting anyone out of business? Why does putting Microsoft out of
business have to be one of his goals?

(I'm taking 'Microsoft' to be an example, because I do believe that
there are reasons why they specifically need competition, but that's
another discussion.)

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