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SubjectRe: severe FS corruption w/ reiserfs and 2.5.72-bk3
Joern Nettingsmeier <> wrote:

JN> i just completely and utterly trashed my filesystems with 2.5.72-bk2 and
JN> reiserfs. there are metric shitloads of errors on journal replay and i
JN> end up in repair mode. did a couple of --rebuild-tree's, but new errors
JN> cropped up after every reboot.
JN> happens both on scsi and ide drives and ate almost all of my machine...

Hm. Can I ask for your kernel config, and kernel logs (if possible),
reiserfsck /dev/device -l /somewhere/device.log , and send those logs to
me too.

JN> unfortunately i did a number of things at once: upgrade the kernel from
JN> .72 (which has worked for me quite well), add an ide drive (i didn't
JN> have ide in my kernel before, and geez! is that module code broken :))
JN> and shuffle partitions around. which makes the problem hard to pinpoint.

Not sure what bk3 is for, I have yesterday's bk snapshot and it works for me,
I seem to be unable to reach for today.

JN> if anyone wants me to do some forensics on the machine, speak up.
JN> otherwise i'll swipe it clean and start over from scratch.

I wonder if you can create clean fs, copy some stuff there with 2.5.72-mm2
and see what happens?

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